About Providence Church

Learn more about our story and the Providence Church community through our vision, values and commitment to the Lincoln community.

Who We Are

We are a motley crew of ordinary, everyday people. We experience joys and challenges, hopes and worries, successes and failures.

We are young and old, single and married. We have questions about life, the meaning of life, and our purpose.

Among us, you will meet seekers, skeptics, doubters, new and seasoned believers. In the words of one musician, “we’re all just trying to find our way home.”

Actually, we’re probably not that much different than you. We don’t claim to be all nicely put together.

In fact, we confess we are broken, and can’t fix ourselves, no matter how hard we try. That’s the one thing that ultimately brings us together, and the one thing we have in common.

We need Someone else, Someone like us, but stronger and greater. Our need has us reaching to the God of heaven and earth to come and rescue us, forgive us and heal us. And we believe he has and he will, which is why He gave the world Jesus.

Our Mission

We believe the church Jesus founded 2+ millennia ago was never meant to exist for itself, but was always meant to exist for the world God created and loves. Right now as a church we are “Learning To Live as Missionaries to Love Lincoln.”

We are seeking to be an outside-focused, warm place for people to;

  • Connect
  • Grow larger hearts, deeper minds and wider arms
  • Develop encouraged and equipped people, as missionaries in whatever sphere of influence God has them!

Unapologetic, we do all of this in the name of Jesus, who calls us to “go, and make disciples, baptizing and teaching” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Unconditionally, we seek to do this from a perspective and posture that values all people, because God values all people.

Our Story

In 1985, an unsightly plot of land on Hwy 8 in Beamsville was purchased, and a new facility was built, and the grounds groomed.

In January 1987, all of it was dedicated "by God's providence, to God's glory.”

In 2006, we asked the question: “If our church burned down to the ground, would our wider community notice, and would they care?” That question prompted us toward a new commitment to our Lincoln community.

Providence Church is a congregation of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

We are an increasingly diverse community and we welcome people from all backgrounds, cultures and traditions.

If you're in the Lincoln or surrounding Niagara communities, we welcome you to join us Sundays at 10am to hear our message.

We are delighted to welcome the Lincoln community to join us for Sunday morning worship service.